Reasons to lose weight:

  1. I would be thinner.
    • That’s technically true, but it’s basically circular reasoning.
  2. I would look less feminine.
    • This one’s harder to refute, but I want to look strong and not just thin.
  3. I would be lighter.
    • True, but how often does that matter?
  4. I’d like myself more.
    • Would I really?
  5. My knees might hurt less.
    • Do I really believe that?  (Okay, sometimes I do…)
  6. I don’t need to be this heavy.
    • I don’t “need” to be any lighter, either.
  7. My clothes would be looser.
    • Again true, but why is that a good thing?
  8. People would like me more.
    • Anyone who likes me more because I’m thinner isn’t the kind of person I want in my life!
  9. Maybe I could see myself in the mirror and not feel ashamed.
    • That hasn’t worked in the past; why do I expect it to work now?

Still not sure about that second one, but a lot of my other reasons don’t seem to hold up to much scrutiny.  So why is it that they still feel so strong and keep coming up in my mind, no matter how I try? It helps to see these refutations written down, but I still can’t quite internalize them.  Maybe I’ll try to come back to this list periodically.

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