Several years ago, I asked a friend how I looked, in terms of my size. He responded, “you look like you need a sandwich.”  I felt comforted—I figured that meant he thought I was small enough to deserve to eat.

After a few months of gaining weight without knowing the medical cause, I reminded him of what he had said and sadly pointed out that I didn’t look like I needed a sandwich anymore.

“You still look like you need a sandwich.  You just don’t look like you’ll die if you don’t get one.”

Obviously exaggeration, but it got the point across. I had been perhaps too thin, and I was still an acceptable size at that point.

Now that my weight is going back down, I was wondering if and when I would again “look like I need a sandwich.”  I still think I’m above the weight where he said I did, though I’m not sure.

But with this recent revelation, I’m realizing that I once again misunderstood.  Yeah, he was probably telling me I was too thin the first time, and the “need a sandwich” was a weight-related comment.  But maybe everyone “needs a sandwich.”

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