You know, it seems a little tough that you need to accept cookies when you look at an eating disorder recovery website.
Seriously, though, I’m working really hard on truly understanding that foods are not “good” or “bad”, that they’re not “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
For me, it’s extremely important that I understand and believe what she and my therapist and many others tell me. “All foods are good foods.” “All bodies are good bodies”. And another that just occurred to me: “All bodies can have all foods.” (Please don’t take that too literally and go into anaphylactic shock from eating peanuts or something!)
And I’m starting to get there. I absolutely struggle; there’s no doubt about that. But food and bodies have no moral value. I don’t need to “earn” the right to eat whatever food I want to. I have seen that for others for I don’t know how long. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one in the world who is an exception to that, though— I’m special, but not *that* special!
So maybe it’s okay to accept those cookies.
Just please don’t download and run questionable .exe files, okay?