Some people have very strong beliefs about gender presentation. To them, you must choose one of their two gender options to be acceptable. You must wear (and not wear) certain things to be acceptable to them, based on that gender.

I actively fight that. I want to be seen as me, able to express myself safely. I’m unapologetic about not lining up with others’ expectations, and I share with everyone I can the idea that all genders are valid and good.

I’m me. I don’t owe anyone an attempt at femininity or masculinity or even androgyny. I don’t have to conform with anyone’s expectations.

Some people have very strong beliefs about bodies. To them, you must be a certain shape and size to be acceptable. You must wear (and not wear) certain things to be acceptable to them, based on that size and shape.

I actively fight that when it comes to my friends—when it comes to anyone else! They should be seen as themselves, able to express themselves safely. I’m unapologetic about supporting anyone who is harmed in any way by not lining up with others’ expectations, and I share with everyone I can the idea that all bodies are valid and good.

People are who they are. They don’t owe anyone an attempt at being or not being a certain size/shape. They don’t have to conform with anyone’s expectations.

I feel empowered to disregard gender expectations and to actively point out issues with having expectations and limits, whether it’s with regard to me or to others.

I feel empowered to disregard body shape and size expectations and to actively point out issues with having expectations and limits, but right now, only with regard to others.

I think it’s time to work on that.

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