A few days ago, I was in the passenger seat of a car on a long trip.  My brother-in-law was driving, and I was fighting a migraine, but just conscious enough to be ashamed of how I looked.  I kept my jacket balled up on my lap, even when I got too warm, in the hopes that it would help hide that I’m too big.

Who was I hiding from?  Logically, I knew that the driver had his eyes on the road, but what if he glanced over and saw how ‘bad’ I was?  What would he think of me?

I suppose I was also partly hiding from myself.  I don’t want to see myself like that or to be reminded of my shortcomings.  I sometimes think I should force myself to confront the ‘evidence’, whether that’s by paying more attention to my body or by checking my weight.  Maybe that would help me lose weight.

However, I also wonder whether hiding like that is essentially lying.  I try to be open and honest with people, and I don’t want to trick people into thinking I’m thinner than I actually am.  At the same time, I don’t want anyone to know just how big I am.  What would they think?  What would they say?

I feel like it’s a lose-lose situation.  I either trick people or I have people realize how ‘bad’ I am.  Then I wonder what could come of the latter—of all of my friends and family, I honestly can’t think of a single one who would like me less or treat me differently if they knew, like I do, that I’m too big.  Still, though, I fear people finding out, and hiding sometimes seems the better option.

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