Six Years
Wow—it’s been six years since I came out as non-binary on Facebook! A lot has changed. I use they/them pronouns exclusively and I’m completely “out”—I feel comfortable sharing my identity with everyone, and I very much appreciate it when people correct others in terms of my pronouns or in terms of other words they might […]
A post on coming out
I think some people believe that coming out is something that we do once and then we’re done with it. Instead, we come out to people throughout our lives. Should I correct this person who calls me “ma’am”, or let it slide? When should I give my pronouns to a new colleague? Do I explain […]
Gender Memories
I remember lining up in two lines in elementary school—one for girls, and one for boys. Even then, I wondered why we did that. It wasn’t fair that I never got to line up with my friends, who were invariably boys. I also was upset that I couldn’t join the Boy Scouts with my friends. […]